SAD, sad, and states of mind

SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, always seems to wrap itself around my head this time of year. I’ve been very low, and it took a call from an old friend and colleague last night to lift my spirits substantially. He reminded me that my school’s culture makes it very difficult to accept changes that came my way yesterday.

There are some positive things. JV fencing makes me happy. We stretch as a group every day, and take a run. The time with my colleague Brian has been excellent, and I think he’ll make an excellent fencing coach in a couple of years, even more so if he does the BAFI program or better yet USFA Foil I (Yes, Pat, this means he needs to leave camp for ten days). The stretching has been good for me, especially the sit-ups and the stretch we call the “plank” and the jumping jacks. The half-mile run is also improving my capabilities. I should really start doing a yoga-style Sun Salutation, as well, as part of the exercise program.

Because of the time-commitment of JV fencing, they only get about 15 minutes of swordplay every day, which is not really enough. But it’s enough to keep them involved. The kids are interested in the sport and capable of learning a variety of things, from cutovers to good disengages. (The Varsity team does not make me so happy. I find that they’re lackluster in practice and not very focused in competition. Our program has not been full of vitality this year, but I’m hopeful for the future.)

And I’m sending out letters. Letters of a professional nature, with those lists of occupations and educational experiences. So far I’m not getting any responses, but I hope that there will be some movement on this front in the next few weeks. Anything’s possible.

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  1. Where do you want to go? And can you send me a copy of your resume, because you know I know a lot of people who know a lot of people who sometimes hire people. I could make ’em an offer that they couldn’t refuse…

  2. Boarding School in the Winter are always difficult, but it makes the Spring so much more delightful. I owe you tea or coffee soon.

    Have Fun,
    – PSB

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