Clio on a Tear

Clio is on a tear all over the house. This, after a mile and a half walk all over campus, and some playing in the yard. She’s not settled down at all this morning. She’s also pooped in the house (this after pooping outside three times), and torn a hole in my favorite new pants. She’s still charming everyone she meets, though, including me. So I guess it’s OK.

The biggest problem right now is how the house is an absolute zoo. I hadn’t done dishes or picked up anything that was in a place she wasn’t going to grab and chew on. Basically this means I’ve pulled up the carpets and grabbed stuff off the floor — but everything else is a mess. Self-organization and clean-up with puppies around is a whole new ball-game. So… it’s the ball game I’m playing.

Update: Clio has now seized every towel in the house within reach, and dragged them into a nest in the middle of the living room floor. Bath mat included. This has taken her exactly forty-seven seconds. At least now I’m a hoopy frood… I know where my towels are.

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  1. Looks like you have it covered. Our dogs are vaccinated and healthy but once she’s older we should get together. She might me a little small for my 60 pounders.

  2. I’m feeding her three times a day currently on her breeders’ and vet’s recommendation. We switch to two feedings at four months, I think. She can only be around healthy vaccinated dogs until she’s finished all her booster shots.

    I’ve been running with her, but it’s apparently not too good for black labs to run or jog with their owners until six months of age. So I’m trying a bunch of other things. I think you’re right about having a hard time getting her to wear out.

    She’s lots of fun, though. I love her much.

    Thanks for the unsolicited advice, thoroughly.

  3. welcome to having a puppy 🙂

    I really think being cute is a self-defense mechanism…if they weren’t so dang cute we’d strangle them 😉

  4. Unsolicited advice:

    We have two dogs that we both had since 6 months old or so. We’ve been through it all with two dogs from the pound that came with a whole set of behavioral problems from their previous owners.

    The way to tire her out is to get her to a place she can run off leash. Or get one of those 50 foot leads in a field. Off leash is best and at a fenced dog park with other dogs if possible. You can’t walk her enough at this age unless you go hiking for miles. Multiple walks a day are best for as long as you can stand it.

    As for chewing. Correct her with a deep voice “No don’t chew” and then give her a rawhide or a chewy toy and the praise her with an excited high voice – “Good puppy!!” when she chews the right thing.

    For pooping, you might want to feed her twice a day but less food obviously. Also, dog treats have a lot of calories. Praise and love is a better reward than treats.

    If you ever want to go for a hike with the dogs somewhere, let me know. It would be fun!

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