From the Archive: Libraries, Dreams, and Gods

Each Sunday (except when I forget), I try to bring you three or four posts from the archives of this site, which reach back quite a long way.  When I first started keeping a blog, it was over on LiveJournal, and before that at DiaryLand.  The DiaryLand stuff appears to be largely lost, which is probably for the best, but I ported the LiveJournal material over to this blog, and the result is that there’s quite a bit of my old poetry here.


  • Hymn for the Feast of Vesta’s Opening: This week includes a poetry piece from my multi-year-long experimentation with creating a Romano-pagan spiritual calendar, based on the ides, nones, and calends of the month, and the sacred days from the calendar of Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome (c. 600 BC). From June 2007, the hymn for Vesta’s Opening, a festival for re-opening the temple of Vesta, where the state hearth-fire of Rome burned for almost two thousand years.
  • A Weird Dream: For a long time, I kept a dream diary.  I’d write down my dreams, no matter how ridiculous.  It was part of a larger effort to understand what was going on in my subconscious.  We deliberately tell children that their (sleeping) dreams aren’t important, while encouraging them to develop (waking) dreams into reality.  It’s a little silly.  Dreams are where the subconscious processes and delves into the understanding of the conscious mind’s working, and if you don’t keep track of your unconscious mind’s dreams, how will you really understand what the conscious mind wants?
  • The Difference Between Libraries and Schools: Long-time readers of this blog know that I worry about the nature of curriculums and school habits to create artificial divisions in knowledge.  This video is a reminder of the problem — real books and real libraries, vs. institutional academic libraries that not only divvy up knowledge by subject area, but also between kid and adult books.  Hmmm.
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