Google Calendar of Pagan Days…

UPDATE 18 April 2018 The Google calendar is deleted.  Some changes on Google’s end, and some unawareness of those changes on my end, resulted in a guest user of the calendar deleting most of the content and individual entries in order to make more closely adhere to their practice.  After some discussion with them (which was generous, kind, and entirely responsible rather than malicious or tinted with argument), I decided to discontinue this calendar at this time.  

I’ve made my calendar available through iCal at webcal://  rather than Google, but I can’t seem to test whether or not it works… because it’s hosted on my account, and therefore my own iCal application can’t connect to it through some sort of failure of circular logic.  So if it doesn’t work, please let me know.

Update 23 January 2017: This post is one of my most-visited posts, even eight years later.  If you’d like to thank me for creating this perpetual calendar, please consider PayPal’ing me a few bucks, or buy a copy of Poems for the Behenian Stars on Etsy, or through Amazon (cheaper!) my chapbook/guide to the spiritual meanings of brightest stars in the northern sky.

Update 6 April 2017: FESTAE is a set of poems that I wrote organized around the pagan days of this calendar.  It’s available through Amazon.  THE SUN’S PACES is another collection, organized around the Greco-Roman-Mediterranean deities of the Zodiac’s subdivisions. It’s available through Amazon, as well. THE MANSIONS OF THE MOON is a collection of twenty-eight poems based around the secret Zodiac that rules the Moon’s movements in particular. It’s also available through Amazon.

I’ve been meaning to do this, and a few friends bullied/inspired me into doing it, finally. It’s the list of the various pagan/spiritual days that I tend to notice and celebrate in some fashion when they pass by. Currently, I’ve not added in the poetry associated with each day, but it is a basic guide to the 113 festival days. Hey, any excuse for a party.

Because it’s on Google Calendar, you do have the ability to add this to your calendar there. Because it’s on Google Calendar, you can download it and install it on programs like iCal and the freeware programs like Sunbird/Thunderbird. You can even download it and put it on Microsoft’s program, whatever it’s called. Enjoy.



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  1. I have had this for some time. I so appreciate the work you do. One problem as I cannot edit it. Can you do something about there being 3-4 repeats of each event in the same day? It taked up my whole feel.

    • I’ve made the changes you requested; at some point Google or Apple made changes in their calendar-interfaces, and a bunch of things got doubled up. They should be fixed now. For future reference, many events from my pagan calendar are also celebrated with hymns and poetry, found under the Poetic Catalog page, or in the drop-down menu.

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