3 Questions Meme // Poem Meme

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Which poem are you?

And Death Shall Have No Dominion by Dylan Thomas

Man, you’re dramatic and overwrought. Nothing is ever simple to you. You like to brood. You’re probably one of those goths.

Personality Test Results

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DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS — I’m suffering from a scratchy throat, and laryngitis.

D&D — Thomas and I played D&D tonight with his new rogue. It was kinda cool. he’d been hired to break into a house to steal a stone, and so he climbed up a drain pipe. Lacking rope, he climbed back down, opened the lock on a hardware store, stole a coil of rope, went back to the house, and climbed up again. He used the rope to swing himself across onto the roof of a neighboring building. Then he found an unbolted window, and he’s about to slip inside. We called at that point, to put the dorm to bed; in theory, if my throat is better, we’ll play more this weekend.

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  1. (1) Greek or Latin?

    (2) What drew you to the seminary, and where do you find that quality now that you’re out of the seminary?

    (3) What do you do when you’re alone on a medium or long car trip? (i.e. No place else to go, nothing else to do, no one else to see.)

  2. (1) Greek or Latin?

    (2) What drew you to the seminary, and where do you find that quality now that you’re out of the seminary?

    (3) What do you do when you’re alone on a medium or long car trip? (i.e. No place else to go, nothing else to do, no one else to see.)

  3. 1) What are your views of life after death? (In other words..is there are heaven? a hell? a summerland? nothing at all? etc)

    2) Do you ever plan to have children? If so, how do you feel the best way to educate them is? and what will their spiritual practice look like?

    3) Have you ever questioned the information that you teach your students, or taught them something that was completely wrong? If so, what did you do?

  4. 1) What are your views of life after death? (In other words..is there are heaven? a hell? a summerland? nothing at all? etc)

    2) Do you ever plan to have children? If so, how do you feel the best way to educate them is? and what will their spiritual practice look like?

    3) Have you ever questioned the information that you teach your students, or taught them something that was completely wrong? If so, what did you do?

  5. 1) What is your worst trait, and how does it effect those around you?
    2) What do you look for in a friend? What do you avoid?
    3) What is your favorite color, and don’t you hate these double questions?

  6. 1) What is your worst trait, and how does it effect those around you?
    2) What do you look for in a friend? What do you avoid?
    3) What is your favorite color, and don’t you hate these double questions?

  7. 1) Would you rather have your writing critiqued by someone famous (whose work you admire) or have your writing published in a journal or magazine that isn’t well known?

    2) How did you end up in the job you’re doing know and would you do it again, given the choice?

    3) If you could game with any 5 people, living or dead, who would they be and what RPG would you choose to play?

  8. 1) Would you rather have your writing critiqued by someone famous (whose work you admire) or have your writing published in a journal or magazine that isn’t well known?

    2) How did you end up in the job you’re doing know and would you do it again, given the choice?

    3) If you could game with any 5 people, living or dead, who would they be and what RPG would you choose to play?

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