Day off of work

Today was my first real day off from work in a while. At the current rate, it will be my only day off. Tomorrow I’m planning on typing up a few cover letters, proofing and printing my resume, and sending out a few trial balloons to see what happens. That’s the plan for the morning. The afternoon plan is to do some work on accreditation.

Every few years, a school in Connecticut must be re-accredited. That is, it has to perform a comprehensive self- study, examine its inner workings in detail, and explain its procedures to an outside agency. The outsiders review the school’s process and program, and then offer suggestions on how to improve that process.

I have just been upgraded on this project from peon to something slightly more than peon, and slightly less than officially involved. I’m not yet sure what this means. I imagine that someone will tell me in the next several weeks. In the meantime, I will write paragraphs on various aspects of our school, and hope that what I say does not get me fired, suspended, or otherwise ruined. proves useful and apropos to someone.

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  1. Oh come on Ben, “Every day is a holiday and every meal is a feast” at boarding schools. I would not trade it in.

    – PSB

  2. No more boarding school! Boarding school BAD! Must work in day school! Nights and weekends free! Sanity included in huge salary!


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