Nones of May

Dogwood and apple blossom spread to Sun:
maple unfurls a sphere of pointed leaf.
Rabbit crosses road at full-out run.
Life awakes, independent of belief.
Here grows garlic-mustard, killing the wood,
by slaying mycorrhizoids in soil.
Plants can be selfish, and seek their own good,
stealing light and dew from others’ toil.
Lo, there is war between sapling and weed,
as chemical battle is fought in dirt.
On all the losers will saprophytes feed:
the privilege all scavengers assert.
Even the housefinch, secure on her nest,
dare not land near where coyote takes rest.

Tuesday begins the Lemuria, a festival of the deified ancestors. It lasts until Saturday, May 13. What are you doing to acknowledge your deified ancestors this week? Who are your deified ancestors?

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  1. Re: What ancestors?

    Well, in my blood family, there is one ancestor that has become legend. William Luscombe was a privateer (read ‘legal pirate’) He pillaged and plundered Spanish ships. In one of his escapades, he aquired a silver spoon, and had his name engraved on it. One person in each generation of my family since then has been baptised with said spoon, and, by doing so, has earned the middle name of Luscombe. Since I am the Luscombe of my generation, I feel that it is my duty to pay homage this Lemuria. Maybe I should go pillage and plunder something (or someone)

  2. What ancestors?

    What/which ancestors do you think should be treated as gods, even if they are very little gods? Are they your ancestors by blood, or ancestors by affinity?

    • What ancestors?

      What/which ancestors do you think should be treated as gods, even if they are very little gods? Are they your ancestors by blood, or ancestors by affinity?

    • Re: What ancestors?

      Well, in my blood family, there is one ancestor that has become legend. William Luscombe was a privateer (read ‘legal pirate’) He pillaged and plundered Spanish ships. In one of his escapades, he aquired a silver spoon, and had his name engraved on it. One person in each generation of my family since then has been baptised with said spoon, and, by doing so, has earned the middle name of Luscombe. Since I am the Luscombe of my generation, I feel that it is my duty to pay homage this Lemuria. Maybe I should go pillage and plunder something (or someone)

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