Five Questions

  1. What’s the subject you’d most like to study and why?

    I realized a couple of weeks back that I have a lot of book knowledge. I don’t have enormous reserves of practical experience. So rather than getting into — I’d reallly like to make contributions to the study of quantum mechanics or solve Fermat’s last theorem — I’d like to study carpentry and learn how to make stuff with my hands. I’d like to learn to be a blacksmith and work with iron. I’d like to learn pottery. I’d like to be a gardener. I think education these days tends to ignore or pass over the practical, hands-on arts, and so I’d like to devote some study time to them.

    It looks like I’m going to get the chance, in the form of the school’s garden. I already have a three-year plan, to develop the garden this year; to add an apiary next year (bees! I can be Virgil! ha!), and to add some fruit trees the year after that.

    I also really want to learn some serious carpentry skills, but I think that’s going to be on the back burner for a while. Although, ‘s new housemate has a barn in need of refurbishing, so it’s entirely possible that I’ll learn some skills this summer under our friend John’s direction.

  2. What ever happened with that staff that you found and carved symbols into?

    I’m using it. I haven’t carved any symbols into it yet, but as could attest — if he hadn’t been sworn to some silence on the matter — it’s got some power in it already. In any case, I’m taking it out walking when I go walking, and it’s just absorbing some mighty spring juju these days. The kids are fascinated by it.

  3. How did you and lovelips meet and get together?

    Her lover at the time introduced us, and thought we’d work well together. That’s the short, least complicated version. In practice, it was a little more rowdy than that, but that’s a good beginning. The FIRST time we met, she ignored me, and I pretty much walked right past her. It took later meetings to convince us that we were interested.

  4. If you could write a book, just for you, what would it be about?

    Well, I am writing a book. I’m writing an epic poem, actually, and Book I and about a third of Book II are finished. The people who’ve read it so far have been impressed. It’s about a young man touched by destiny who leaves home, meets a beautiful princess, and gets suckered into doing impossible work in order to marry her. Kind of a Jason and the Argonauts kind of story.

  5. What’s one thing you really want to achieve in the next five years?

    I really want to finish this epic and move on to other things. I really would like to buy my own house. I’d really like to visit some other parts of the world before it becomes too expensive or too difficult to visit the rest of the world — Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Korea, Iceland. I’d really like to become famous. There’s other things but that’s what I’ll admit to right now.

Those rules again:

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

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  1. 1) How is the teaching-job search going? What’s been going right? What’s been going wrong?

    2) Are you staying on the bandwagon?

    3) What are three unexpected side effects of having children?

    4) If you were to design a new D&D race based on your favorite animal, what animal would you choose? What would be its base abilities?

    5) What are your plans for your yard this summer, other than uprooting the poison ivy?

    • 1) How is the teaching-job search going? What’s been going right? What’s been going wrong?

      2) Are you staying on the bandwagon?

      3) What are three unexpected side effects of having children?

      4) If you were to design a new D&D race based on your favorite animal, what animal would you choose? What would be its base abilities?

      5) What are your plans for your yard this summer, other than uprooting the poison ivy?

  2. Hmmmm.

    1) What would you like Authentic Voices, your studio, to look like and be in five years? What do you expect/hope it/you will be doing?
    2) What do you regard as the central precepts of Orthodox Danielism?
    3) What would you really like to learn how to do in the near future? What course of study seems most attractive to you right now?
    4) How do you see/feel/understand/express the relationship between music, poetry, and other sorts of art (visual or performance based) that you are currently exploring?
    5) I talk about my work a great deal to others, but you seem to say very little. Are you satisfied with the relationship between your work and your play and other parts of your life? Does one inform the other in obvious and (to you) exciting ways? How would you adjust that relationship?

    • Hmmmm.

      1) What would you like Authentic Voices, your studio, to look like and be in five years? What do you expect/hope it/you will be doing?
      2) What do you regard as the central precepts of Orthodox Danielism?
      3) What would you really like to learn how to do in the near future? What course of study seems most attractive to you right now?
      4) How do you see/feel/understand/express the relationship between music, poetry, and other sorts of art (visual or performance based) that you are currently exploring?
      5) I talk about my work a great deal to others, but you seem to say very little. Are you satisfied with the relationship between your work and your play and other parts of your life? Does one inform the other in obvious and (to you) exciting ways? How would you adjust that relationship?

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