Journey to the Wild Divine

My friend Nik has gotten interested in a new game that works on Windows or Mac, and uses (expensive) biofeedback sensors to move you through the game world. How it does this, I don’t really know, but it sounds the very coolest. The game is called The Journey to Wild Divine, and if I had $160 to drop on it, I might. But it also sounds very new age-y, even though the graphics look quite lavish. Still, a very cool idea.

Some of the kids on my floor have returned to school, and are playing Monopoly on the floor outside my room. Just listening to them is giving me the heebie-jeebies. Dad used to corral me into playing with him — or he would interrupt and join in the games that my cousins and I played. We did not play very well; we were kids. Dad had an MBA; he was a master Monopoly player.

He kicked our asses and then humiliated us about playing the game. Needless to say, I am not playing Monopoly tonight.

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  1. It looks like a pretty neat game. It would be great if they had a “free trial offer” or something, though.

    As for Monopoly…it’s kind of nice to think that your kids are doing something other than sitting in their rooms crying with homesickness…which is what half of my dorm is doing right now. Some of them are more homesick than when they first got here in the fall…but then again, they just went home to Bermuda or other warm places…so I can’t say I blame them :-). It breaks my heart to see them so sad, though. One came to bball practice yesterday in tears.

  2. It looks like a pretty neat game. It would be great if they had a “free trial offer” or something, though.

    As for Monopoly…it’s kind of nice to think that your kids are doing something other than sitting in their rooms crying with homesickness…which is what half of my dorm is doing right now. Some of them are more homesick than when they first got here in the fall…but then again, they just went home to Bermuda or other warm places…so I can’t say I blame them :-). It breaks my heart to see them so sad, though. One came to bball practice yesterday in tears.

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