Cars and Trucks Sketches

Cars and trucks. After Ed Emberley I’ve had it in mind for a few months now to open up the two or three Ed Emberley books I have.They were originally published in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and I acquired a few for the Design Lab in part because I thought it would be a great way to teach some of the elements of Sketchnoting a la Mike Rohde and his books, which have helped me develop my own ideas on Sketchnoting in Latin.

I also realized that I wanted to be able to digitize some of my work, as well. My parents wanted to give me a digital present of some kind, along the lines of an iPad, for my birthday back in July.  And lo, and behold, I’ve found that the application Paper by 53which I’ve praised on this blog before, has served quite well in getting me started with Mr. Emberley.

The enclosed sketch gives you an idea of how well I’m doing at learning to adapt Ed’s sketching system to Mike Rohde’s work on sketch noting. I think there’s a case to be made that these are parallel tools with some useful overlap for the future.  I definitely have to think more about scale in the future.

Made with Paper, and Pencil, by fifty-three.

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